Longerliferoses exists to make the florist and consumer more aware of the big differences in durability between different kinds of roses.
Roses belonging to this group have an excellent durability and are less sensitive to getting weak. Under normal circumstances these roses have a durability of at least 12 days. You can find the conditions for this on the page: how to make roses last longer
Unfortunately, there are too many roses on the market of which the durability is deficient and of which the roses in a vase won’t open further
When buying roses, the color is often the most important reason to choose a certain rose. When you see 2 different roses, you will probably choose the one with the best color. You probably won’t choose the other rose which is also beautiful, but less beautiful than the other one.
Imagine the most beautiful rose saying: lasts one week! And the other (also beautiful) rose saying: lasts at least 12 days! Which one would you choose?
And what do you think of the word sustainable? Which rose is the most sustainable?
Right, that’s why you need to choose LONGERLIFEROSES!!!